Friday, October 10, 2014

The journey begins....

So today I had my first real meeting with a customer in order to determine their business needs and understand their expectations.

As nervous as I feel about taking on a new system and database that I know nothing about, it is rather exciting as well. I have been an Oracle DBA for 17 years now. Taking on and learning a new database seems to be like learning to swim when you are already a duck. You know how to quack and you understand the other quacks, but for some reason their quack is just a little more different than yours.

I have started to put together a spreadsheet in order to do some findings and get some estimates for these databases. Once I have all of the numbers, I will submit what I need as far as CPU/Memory/Storage goes to the sysadmin team and have them build out some boxes for me. Additionally, we have the MySQL enterprise licenses to use so I will likely attempt some sort of clustering and/or replication based on the needs of the application users.

Welcome to my new adventure!

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